I grew up next to an apple and peach orchard, and for a hot second of my youth, I had a garden with my mom and brother. It was wonderful!
These days, most of my friends are avid gardeners and I now find myself wanting to get my hands dirty as well. This proves to be a bit of a challenge since I live on the second floor of a condo. Despite my lack of ground to plant in, I have decided to attempt container gardening this summer with the help of my mom, friends, and the internet.
Most of the apartment/balcony gardening blogs I found had beautiful balconies. My balcony? Yeah. Not so great. Through my blog, I'm hoping to share how I can turn a boring and ugly balcony into something beautiful! Plus, I’m always open to pointers, constructive criticism, thoughts, ideas, etc. If you want to read posts about my container gardening (mis)adventures, just click on the "tales from the balcony" label on the right side bar.